Saturday 4 May 2013


Every blog starts somewhere from some motivation. Some people start them to as a way to express how they feel to a faceless world, some create them as a way to chronicle what their lives are like so in the future they can look back and realise how far they have come, some are about tech blogs and video games, and other are about life in general. There are infinite reasons to start up a blog.

Today I'm taking the first step towards a complete life change to be able to open my eyes and take in everything around me.

Feb 2013 Boracay, Philippines

Where I'm at:

Currently, I'm 26 years old with a decent paying job in IT (which means I'm behind a desk for long hours during my day). I've gotten out of a relationship recently which I blame myself for, I weigh 100 kilos and have been living in the same city for the past 9 years and have been feeling lost for a long time now. I own a fitbit (It's not charging today for some reason) but have never really put it through its paces. Having said that I have traveled to New Zealand for 10 days, Singapore (as a stopover), Hong Kong (for 4 days), and the Philippines a fair few times.

I think a lot of people have the epiphany moment that the world is theirs to explore at a much younger age; some do, but not a lot of people actually get out and explore it.

This year I'm going to change that.

When I say I'm going to change that, don't think its something that I'm going to commit to and then fall off the bandwagon because I have done that before and after reading a lot of Nerd Fitness I've realised that shaking up the jar is a good thing and it all starts with one step.

Today is that step.

I've been wanting to get fit, out, and about for a while now and I have trimmed down here and there but the usual lifestyle that I'm living doesn't really cut it because old habits die hard right? So over the next couple of days I'm going to start putting a together a list of what I want out of the next 12 months and I'll start working towards it. I know that currently I want to walk the Kokoda Trail and will be booking and paying for it all around August but this journey goes beyond that. I want it all to start when I finish the Kokoda Trail in May 2014 and will be chronicling my travels moving forward.

Who wouldn't want to see the world? I believe there is soo much to life than what we all have directly infront of us with our heads stuck inside of our own little comfortable worlds, and it literally took me hitting rock bottom to realise that. Luckily I have a great support network that has opened my eyesand now I feel like I can get get out there, explore and see the world for what it's really worth. So hey - lets live!


A really close friend of mine once said: "if it feels good - do it" so I thought why not.

Having thoughts about what I would like to achieve and will be putting a mega list out soon. As much as I'd like to make grand plans I'm going to always have 3 steps in place for fitness and then 3 places I would love to travel to.

Lets call it a running list but I think having 3 things on the table that I would love to do always give you a way to atleast make one of them happen.

Today the 4th of May 2013 (May the fourth be with you) this' where I stand:

  • be in the Darwin City2Surf
  • Explore the hiking trails around Darwin
  • Walk the Kokoda Trail

  • Bali
  • Thailand
  • New Zealand


My expectations are that I'm not going to wait or hold back for anyone. In the past I have held off ideas for trips all over because mates have chimed in and have say "I'll go" only to have the whole thing fall apart due to being unorganised. This time, I'm going to go places, and if you want to come with me that's cool. I only expect to come back with a lot of stories to tell which will all be noted in here.

So yeah, that's everything for now, over the next couple of weeks I'll chip in here and there and add parts to the site and make it happen.

Watch this space.



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