Sunday 26 May 2013

Trail Adventures - The Lost City and the first 100kms done!

As you may or may not know, Rob and I are in preparations for The Kokoda Trail. Obviously long distance trekking is something that we are using to prepare and today was the first trek.

After parking up near the gate to The Lost City, Rob and I walked down the 4WD track. Our map and the sign said 10km, but really it was 11kms. The round trip was 22.41kms which brought the HLL total past the 100kms travelled mark!

I would recommend that if you're up for a leisurely walk through the bush, the reward was well worth it. The Lost City is truely a sight to behold.

The only downside is that my tracker won't upload so I don't have a map to show the path, I hope next weekend it will work when we tackle the 30+km Tabletop hike.


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