Tuesday 5 November 2013


After starting this little corner of the Internet I've been approached by various family, friends, and acquaintances that have told me that I'm an "Inspiration". I let that sink in for a while when sitting down at the beach; me - an inspiration?

What a crazy thought that is. The fact I started this blog as a way to chronicle my progress as I go out and explore the world, a way to set up and knock down goals has been a motivation for people to improve their everyday life is astounding. When I first started this whole thing up I was in a pretty bad place, I had broken up with my (then) girlfriend and had gone through measures of changing jobs to accommodate some sort of financial backing on the thought of a future together, had gone through a pretty dark and rough patch in my life, and after a trip overseas I looked in the mirror and wasn't happy with the course that my life was on.


So I decided to turn that around and began running. In the beginning it was a way to blow off steam, a way to prove to myself (through the improvement of time it took to complete courses) that indeed this was a turning point. What ended up happening is that I was itching to put my shoes on, get out and run. All I could think about in the afternoons or the moments before bed was the next time I could get moving, it became something that no longer was a "thing I did" but rather "who I am".

Nothing around me mattered at that stage, I would ignore nights out in town with friends, avoid eating unhealthy, late nights, video games, and in some aspects my musical pursuits to get up in the early hours of the morning to run every day (if my body allowed it). It became an obsession.

I began to map my runs (as chronicled here), pushed harder, took pre workout supplements to facilitate the increase and sustained intensity, learned how to run more efficiently and breathe correctly, increased my flexibility, streamlined my diet (via Paleo), continuously moved distance goals to 10kms, 15kms, 20kms - and then I blew out my knee. I had to rebuild.

Plan B

Honestly I don't regret it. What that period of intense motivation and rigorous exercise taught me was that anything is possible, all I had to do was start small and build from there. By no means did I hit rock bottom, I saw it as a way to avert my attention towards lifting weights while still doing moderate cardio to maintain some level of fitness.

This' where I see it all really beginning. Instead of getting up early to get outside and run, I head to the gym to lift heavy. Instead of setting goals to run ridiculous distances, I'm adding heavier weights and more reps to the training program and now have more of an understanding of nutrition. Without the time I spent running I wouldn't know how far I can push myself. The future is looking bright.

The goal of walking the Kokoda Trail is still priority number 1, and I'll be looking at doing a lot of hiking trips after my return due to my appreciation of the outdoors with the idea that I'll be completing the Larapinta Trail - a 3 week hike through the bushland right in the NT.

My Motivation

Alot people after telling me that somehow I've helped push them then ask what me what motivates me. To be honest I cannot pin it down to one thing in particular. Usually I'll reply with "well, we're breathing - lets make the most of today".

If I have to give an answer; what motivates me is a mixture of both selfish and selfless reasons but mostly from interacting with people who are unaware that their lifestyle is completely their choice - and by showing them that there is a better way to do things will hopefully open their eyes to minute changes and alternatives that can be made with minimal effort to get them out of a slump and hopefully allow them to get out and explore this great big world of ours. Sure we all want to go home after work, sit down on the couch and mindlessly stare at the television while eating unhealthy food only to get up the next morning, go to work, eat quick and nasty fast food all day and repeat over and over but unfortunately our bodies will not allow this to occur and the consequences can be devastating in the long run. 

What does motivate me is who I was when I started this blog, that guy with big and daring goals to change himself and change his world for the better, to allow himself to be proud of the work that he has put in to be who he is today, with a vision of what is achievable tomorrow. 

What motivates me is seeing people who are beginning their journey of fitness, not just of the body but those of the mind who are taking the time to understand why they're improving themselves, those who don't care what other people think whom will be in the middle of all the "muscle-bound fit people" at the gym and/or are stepping outside of their comfort zone to entertain the notion that trying something new and different to experience new things. 

Sure we all stumble and fail at points but I believe that failure is the building block on which greatness stems from, if we cannot allow ourselves to fail we cannot appreciate success no matter how large or small it may be. 

Everything is looking bright. I'm currently overseas in Thailand with the Travellers Ahoy guys (Rob and Aaron) and best believe there will be a post when I land back at home. 

A huge thankyou goes out to those who have provided support so far. As I said in my initial post, watch this space. 



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