Sunday 6 October 2013

Blew Out My Knee, Switching to Lifting

After my last effort to run 20 kms I unfortunately injured my right knee. What happened was the following day I decided to go for a quick 5km run around my local area and unfortunately it decided to give way and before I knew what was going on I was laying out on the concrete.

Like with all disappointing events, a positive angle can always be found and I realised that though I will have to lay off medium distance running for a while, it doesn't mean that I can't get into the gym and start lifting heavy things. Basically that's what I have been doing in the absence since my last post.

Everything is under wraps in regards to the type of training I've been doing as of late due to the fact I'm participating in a 12 week challenge but the results are definitely showing. Like any major shift in lifestyle I'm actually enjoying early mornings (getting up at 4 and getting into the gym by 4:30), then trodding off to work for the day. Honestly I'm finding that I do have a bit more time in the afternoons but I like the idea that by the end of the day I'm completely exhausted and only have enough energy for a bit of high intensity interval training, dinner preparation and sleep.

The goal of travelling the Kokoda trail hasn't changed just yet, and as it creeps closer and closer I'm looking forward to upping the intensity of hiking and more outdoor activities as the months progress. For now it's all about getting "in shape" as possible and enjoying every step of the way

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