Saturday 14 September 2013

14th September 2013 - Candy Jam

Well, today was fun. After all this running Candy Jam finally came and with it some surprising results and a funny story.

What happened is that when the fun run started Robert, myself and 3 others were leading the pack. What we failed to realise (until the very end) was that we were leading all 7000 people around the course in the reverse direction. It wasn't till I got back (and I counted no more than 15 other people were there before me) that security told us we ran the wrong way and they were having a laugh that everyone followed. Amazing. We managed to lead 7000 people 5kms the wrong way haha.

Now to get this pink, yellow, and green dye out of my skin and from what I've heard, it's going to last a couple of weeks too...

I'm going to take tomorrow off to relax as I pushed myself to my limits and almost threw up after the event but will come back strong with a 20km run to get back on track for this month.


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